this is teh most EPIK sprite comic about kirbye and his friend u will evar reed. it is abote kirby and his ferinds and their epic quitse to collect 6 magik stones and stop an eval portel from takin over dremland!!!!!!!!
want 2 kno how 2 reed it? just click teh linkes to see all chapaters below.....
Chapter 1: A EPIC Sory Begins...
Chapter 3 Teh Factery of DETH!!!!!!
Chapter 4 A Misterous Forest....,
but wate... there r GAMES TWO???????????????
this is a EPIC aventure that tells thw story of piks epic kirby sprit comics... BUT A VIDEO GAME!!!!! JUST LIKE REAL KIRBY!!!!!!! u can run, jump, punch and do so mutch moar!!!!!!
CLICK 2 SEE PIK'S EPIC KIRBY SPRITE COMICS TEH GAME 2!!!!!!!if u thouht piks epic kirby sprite comics 1 was epic wait until yo see the SEQUEL!!! this even more epic game tells a nwe story that takes plaec years later. kirby can now ues his famous copy aibity to beat up bad guy's!. but be careful... ITS SUPER HARD!!!!!